Choosing a business entity? Filing for incorporation or LLC status? Setting up your corporate books and records? Whether you want to establish a corporation, LLC or partnership – or are trying to decide which is best – we can help. We can explain the differences, help you choose among them, organize your legal business entity, prepare and file all the required documents, and ensure that your interests are properly protected.

Services We Provide

One size does not fit all in the world of business entities (blog). Though LLC’s and Nevada corporations are fashionable right now, that doesn’t necessarily mean these are good options for your business. We can help you find the corporate form that fits, and then prepare all the documents you need to establish and maintain that entity for the life of your business. We can help you:

  • Understand the differences between an LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, partnership and sole proprietorship (blog)
  • Choose the entity that is right for you
  • Prepare and file incorporation and LLC formation documents, including Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Statements of Information, Notices of Transaction
  • Draft corporate By-Laws, Minutes, and Resolutions, as well as Partnership Agreements, LLC Operating Agreements, and corporate shareholder Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Prepare and maintain corporate books and records so that your corporate status is protected in the event of audit or lawsuit

We offer package flat fee rates for many of these services, or reasonable hourly rates. Call 888-465-6551 or email us at if you need help choosing or establishing the right entity for your business.

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8941 Atlanta Ave. #107

Huntington Beach, CA 92646

Phone: 888-465-6551



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